written by Gontse Nkwe – resident blog author and intuitive card reader at The Nest Space
Namaste Nest Tribe. Welcome to The Nest Space Blog!
CANCER SEASON – began on June 21 and ends on July 22.
What a journey this has been transitioning into the sign of Cancer! In the season of the sign ruled by the Moon, it promises to be intense. The Moon has been running this show, forcing us deep into places we aren’t comfortable going to. An assignment sent for us to level-up and remove all obstacles and obstructions to our progress and the progress we committed to at the new moon in Gemini – where we also became awakened to our power.
This has been a spiritual bootcamp…a true spiritual awakening. The road has been tough, but look where it has landed us.
Cancer – the Crab. The spirit animal that allows us to travel to the deepest most hidden parts of our water, where we feel, where we go to hide, where our hearts live. Its ability to travel sideways gives us a multi-dimensional view of what is happening in our lives and our eyes are opened to aspects we were previously not aware of. With the crab, we dive deep.
The crab also reminds us that there are times that we will need to leave the water and come up for air. This is where much needed thought processes and decisions take place. We are reminded that even though we are outside of our comfort zone, the shell of the crab will provide us protection.
This Cancer season grants us the opportunity to make difficult but powerful shifts in our lives – a painful death of mindsets that were no longer serving us – while also inviting us to ponder over the theme of self-love:
Self-love is holding all of my flaws and all of my glory, in one safe, beautiful human space.
Self-love is taking care in how I make decisions that affect my life, including my behaviour and my boundaries.
Self-love is taking back the power I have over my peace.
Self-love is tough love. It means facing my inner child, and explaining to her that some decisions and changes may feel difficult for now, but that they are for the better.
This Monday 3 July, the full moon will be in Capricorn – the fire sign opposite Cancer on the zodiac calendar.
Capricorn, the sign of the Goat: determined, driven and dedicated to accomplishing its goals, and illuminating what they are to us. On this full moon we have the opportunity to practice true self-acceptance and compassion for ourselves. We have a deeper understanding of what self-love means and its role in the attainment of our growth and a hard truth has been learned about self-love: without it, there will be no expansion.
The full moon in Capricorn brings an awakening to the power of our will and just how much it can propel us forward. The journey here may have felt like an inner battle against one’s own will and even though at times we were afraid, we remained dedicated, which made all the difference.
The learning of this full moon is to not be afraid to go to the places where we hurt and suffer the most. We are invited to stay dedicated to our healing, our worthiness and especially the choices we have allowed others to make for us, that hold us back from the blossoming that is promised.
Our approach receives a much needed adjustment: we are now preserving our energy and rededicating it to ourselves. The dangers of over-giving are loud and have contributed to our suffering. Our feelings are valid and we now see that we are powerful enough to bring change into our lives.
Death brings weariness but we now know that it was the death of delusion, with the “self” as the only obstruction. Space has been made now…and what a gift this space is.
NEW MOON IN CANCER – Monday 17th July
The new moon in Cancer comes in on 17 July. It will bring with it an opportunity to become clear on which areas of our lives need the most urgent change. We are advised to not shy away from looking deep inside, to the areas we are most afraid to go because it is these crevices that hold the secrets to our heart’s truest desires.
My wish for you this Cancer season is that you feel safe to feel all of the feels and safe to hold your heart in your hands and honour its needs and desires.
Happy season of the Crab.
Join us this month at The Nest Space for our full and new moon gatherings as we gather in community under these cosmic skies.