written by Gontse Nkwe – resident blog author and intuitive card reader at The Nest Space

Namaste Nest Tribe. Welcome to The Nest Space Blog!

LEO SEASON – began on JuLY 23 and ends on AUGUST 22.


Leo season – by far my favourite season of the year. Energetically it feels like the sunniest. The Lion has arrived.

The lion of the zodiac – the one born with courage and the one who does not ask whether there is a seat for them at the table. Not afraid of the sun (of being seen), warm from her fire and superior in both strength and ability. Leo is the power inside of us and during this season it shines.


This season is about wisdom and strength – knowing we have it and using it. A time when we have the opportunity to see the extent of our growth and when we see no reason why we shouldn’t belong. We feel armed with passion, a fearless wanting, a belongingness within and the courage to grab it.

Intuition is perception via the unconscious that brings forth ideas, images, new possibilities and ways out of blocked situations.


The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.


FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS – Tuesday 1st August  

This Tuesday 1 August, the full moon will be in Aquarius – the air sign opposite Leo on the zodiac calendar.

“Where does this air sign get her water and what is she pouring it into?” I ask myself.

Aquarius, the water bearer of the zodiac, is the carrier of the important information she has gathered from her depths – energy that she is ready to pour into whatever she chooses to transform. 

Aquarius is the analyser, the problem-solver, the dreamer who knows anything is possible and the one who must stay true to themselves, reminding us that authenticity is lived within and without. She is infinitely versatile and this is what the full moon in Aquarius brings to light.

This full moon in Aquarius also gives us a glimpse into the things we do not always want to see, out of a fear of being accountable. Thanks to the energy of Leo, we are also aware of our courage to be true to ourselves. We honour our vulnerability and with courage, we face the areas where we may be the obstacle. We are invited to embrace a perspective that does not always come naturally.

Aquarius and Leo are a powerful couple energetically. The energy of the lion removes our fear and the full moon in Aquarius, gives us the eyes to see our landscape with clarity with some fairness for balance within our surroundings. We are powerful. Together, they give us the permission to ask the difficult questions, towards revealing all of our obstacles.




Thoughts of Ganesha come to mind. Ganesha is a Hindu deity that is known as “the remover of all obstacles”. Born of Shiva (the creator, protector and transformer) and Parvati (goddess of love, devotion, nourishment and harmony), Ganesha and his head of an elephant symbolise the joy born from truth, wisdom and transformation.

By embracing the energy of Ganesha, we embrace our birth right to prosperity.



Black obsidian is the volcanic glass that forms when molten lava cools quickly. It holds properties that help us to recognise false beliefs we may have about ourselves and helps to bring them up for release.

NEW MOON IN LEO – Wednesday 16th August

The new moon in Leo comes in on 16 August. We are invited to step into our rightful place and commit to making decisions that will serve our progress as we strengthen our position in our lives. 

My wish for you this new moon in Leo is in this affirmation:

Like the Lion, 

I am strong.

I am blessed,

I am informed,

And there is no need for me to be afraid of anything.

Join us this month at The Nest Space for our full and new moon gatherings as we gather in community under these cosmic skies.